Case Study - Fractured bone in the foot

ZD is a 39 year old stunt woman who sustained a fracture to her talus (an important bone in the ankle) whilst on a film set in July 2014. She required 2 operations to successfully close the fracture with metal plating and a bone graft to help the healing process.  Due to this extensive period of immobilisation and reduced weight bearing, the whole limb became atrophied (muscle wasting) and the bones of her leg became osteopenic (less dense/strong). Treatment in the pool initially comprised of graduated weight bearing and gait re-education as well as global strengthening exercises to the limb without overloading the ankle.

This was achieved with selective exercises using the drag and resistance of the water to challenge the weakened muscles without putting the healing fracture site at risk. Over a period of months the team at Aqua-Physio have advanced her exercise programme in line with functional milestones and orthopaedic guidelines. Progress has been steady and she has avoided any flare ups or setbacks in the recovery process. ZD has recently started light impact and jogging work in the pool ensuring continued muscular and functional development without overload due to the much reduced ground reaction forces associated with exercise in water.

