DP - Spinal surgery

DP underwent a right L5/S1 Discectomy on 9th December 2011, after a 6 month history of progressively worsening Lower back pain. Thisn 50 year old gentleman owned his own company and needed to return to run his business which involved climbing, driving and desk work. He enjoyed boxing and gym work in the past and had to cease all activity 6 months prior to his operation due to pain.

His aims were to restore confidence in his back, improve his overall fitness and to strengthen his back and core muscles, as well as return to work.

On assessment, he had reduced calf, hamstring and gluteal strength on his right side, his right single leg standing was poor and there was a marked decrease in his lumbar spine range of movement, as well as calf and hamstring length.

An aquatic physiotherapy program was started with DP based on our spinal pathway. Starting with walking in the pool, static standing kickboard exercises, stetches and stabilisation exercises, DP progressed to ball and barbell work, basic exercises using the current and plyometrics through to advanced exercises using the current, cardiovascular work and dynamic stabilisation.

By the end of January 2012, DP was reporting no symptoms in his back and legs, weight loss and an increase in activity. 3 months post operation, DP had lost a substantial amount of weight, was deep water running for 20-25 minutes and had made a successful return to work. He had also resumed land activities such as cycling and gym work, and was totally independent with a land based exercise program with improved body mechanics and awareness. He was discharged at this stage.

