Falls are one of the largest public health problems among elderly people due to the high morbidity and mortality. Falls cost the NHS 2.3billion annually.
The main reasons for falls in this population are multi-factorial – a fall is the result of the interplay of multiple risk factors such as having a history of falls, muscle weakness, poor balance, visual impairment, slower reaction time, polypharmacy and the use of certain medicines as well as environmental hazards.
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N.B sustained a right triple ankle fracture and dislocation following a slip and fall at home. She was brought to A&E where they wanted to operate on her ankle and hold it in place with a plate due to the complexity of the fractures. However, she did not want any metalwork in her ankle and therefore the ankle was just manipulated under anaesthetic back into the correct position. The foot was managed conservatively and put in a cast for 6 weeks. N.B. attended Aqua physio 2 months after her injury.
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