Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis is a hip condition that occurs in teens and pre-teens when they are still growing. It involves a slipping of the head of the hip bone through the growth plate and often requires surgery to stop the head slipping further. We see these patient’s post-surgery where they have a screw inserted to fix the growth plate and they have restricted weight bearing on elbow crutches. We can use the water to strengthen the hip and leg muscles, improve their range of movement and maintain fitness.
Scheurmann’s Disease is related to abnormal spinal growth in adolescence and causes wedging of vertebrae usually in the upper back. Aquatic Physiotherapy can assist with upper back mobility and exercise.
Scoliosis – sideways curvature of the spine, Aquatic Physiotherapy can help in the stretching strengthening programme, but can also be used after surgery if this is required to help regain function and for pain relief.
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy – This is a neurosurgical procedure that is commonly performed in children with Cerebral Palsy to reduce spasticity in their limbs. Aquatic Physiotherapy after this surgery aims to improve lower limb functional and muscle strength.