Case Study: Inflammatory Disease
SG is a 44 year old woman who was originally diagnosed with Adult Stills disease in 1997, a rare inflammatory disease similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis that affects fewer than 1 out of 100,000 people each year.
She also experienced knee pain and was diagnosed with ITB Syndrome in 2015 after speaking to our specialists at AquaPhysio following a knee arthroscopy. After this new diagnosis and with her underlying conditions S was left with degeneration in the joints around her knee and atrophy (muscle wasting), making hydrotherapy instrumental in getting her back to her previous level of function in a safe and effective way.
Therapists have been working closely with S to ensure she is mobilising and strengthening her lower body with the aid of water buoyancy. Treatment in the pool initially comprised of graduated weight bearing as well as global strengthening exercises to the limb without overloading the knee.
Over a period of months the team at AquaPhysio have advanced her exercise programme in line with functional milestones to ensure she is progressing in her rehabilitation. Due to the much reduced ground reaction forces in water she has been able to perform lunges, squats and knee extensions to target and strengthen her legs.