VG – Post shoulder surgery
VG underwent a Subacromial Decompression in January 2013 and was referred to AquaPhysio by her land physiotherapist soon after her operation.
VG underwent a Subacromial Decompression in January 2013 and was referred to AquaPhysio by her land physiotherapist soon after her operation.
Mrs E presented to AquaPhysio two months after she had undergone a Lumber spine fusion. Prior to her fusion Mrs E had used a wheelchair and trolley to mobilise for approximately 3-4 years.
KM was referred to AquaPhysio after suffering multiple injuries after a road traffic accident.
SE was referred to AquaPhysio after having an arthroscopic medial menisectomy with degenerative chondrocalcinosis in September 2011.
HG presented to AquaPhysio in October 2011 after a long history of bilateral knee pain. His history included Osgood schlatters as a 13 year old and 5 arthroscopies for ligament and cartilage issues. Most recently bilateral lateral releases had been performed without relief from pain.
JA had a long history of left knee problems and had initially had her knee replaced in August 2009. Her first revision was completed in March 2011 but the joint became loose and this led to the second revision in September 2012.